15 Aug 2017

IMCF room 188 (seminar), 184 (demo)

Imaging Core Facility

Workshop / Oliver Biehlmaier

Abberiors STEDYCON Seminar and Demo at the Biozentrum

Easy 2D-STED solution by Abberior


The IMCF at the Biozentrum will host a seminar next Tuesday as well as Demo of Abberiors STEDYCON, a compact and simple to use super-resolution STED adapter for Widefield microscopes (flyer attached). 

If you wish to attend one or both, please simply write an email to kai.schleicher-at-unibas.ch and indicate if you prefer a demo slot in the morning or in the afternoon after the seminar.

Seminar: Tuesday, 15 August 2017, 13h30-14h15
Abberior Instruments STEDYCON
– Introduction to the most compact super-resolution STED microscope on the market by Jan-Gero Schloetel, Application Specialist, Abberior Instruments
Biozentrum, room 188

Demo with the Abberior application specialist: Tuesday, 15 August 2017, starting 9h30
Biozentrum room 184, please contact Kai Schliecher for demo-slots (see above).
The system will stay in the Biozentrum for three weeks, so if you wish to join but can't make it on Tuesday we can also arrange a demo-slot at a later point.
Feel free to bring your own samples to the demo. For this we have Immunolabeling Protocols and the following secondary antibodies/mounting media available:

  • STAR 580 goat anti-mouse & goat anti-rabbit 
  • STAR RED goat anti-mouse & goat anti-rabbit 
  • Abberior Mount Solid & Liquid Antifade 

Thanks for your interest and hope to see you there,

The IMCF-team

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